SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
SlOkam – Original
AthmasambhAvithA: sthabdhA: dhanamAnamadhAnvithA: |
yajanthE nAmayagyais thE dhambhEnAvidhipUrvakam ||
word-by-word meaning
Athma sambAvithA: – praising oneself
sthabdhA: – (due to such self adulation) being puffed up
dhanamAna madhAnvithA: – having pride which arises due to wealth, knowledge, family heritage
thE – those demoniac people
nAma yagyai: – sacrifices which are aimed at name and fame
avidhi pUrvakam – against the rules of SAsthram
dhanbhEna – to propagate their own fame indicating “I have done this great yagya”
yajanthE – perform yagya
Simple Translation
Praising oneself, (due to such self adulation) being puffed up, having pride which arises due to wealth, knowledge, family heritage, those demoniac people perform yagya (sacrifices) which are aimed at name and fame, and which are against the rules of SAsthram, to propagate their own fame indicating “I have done this great yagya”.
Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam
‘Self-adulated, self-sufficient, and inflated with wealth and pride, are they. They perform name-sacrifices for show, with no rule conforming.’
Self-adulated= Flattering oneself by oneself. Self-sufficent (stabdhāḥ). thinking oneself perfect in all respects and doing nothing. Why?, because puffed up with pride born of wealth, and of learning, birth etc.
Name-Sacrifices=Sacrifices (yajña) performed for the mere sake of acquiring a name: ‘I performed such a
sacrifice’; -actuated by motives of showing forth to the world an empty fame that so and so is a ‘Sacrificer’!; and performed without regard to any rule or law.
And they perform sacrifices, characterized as follows:
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