16.18 ahankAram balam dharpam

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 16

<< Chapter 16 Verse 17

SlOkam – Original

ahankAram balam dharpam kAmam krOdham cha samSrithA: |
mAm AthmaparadhEhEshu pradhvishanthO’bhyasUyakA: ||

word-by-word meaning

ahankAram – ego (of thinking that everything can be accomplished on their own)
balam – (that my strength is enough to achieve everything) self strength
dharpam – pride (of thinking that there is no match for self)
kAmam – lust (to accomplish everything with such desire)
krOdham cha – and anger (to destroy everyone who causes hurdles for such accomplishments)
samSrithA: – holding on to
Athma para dhEhEshu mAm – towards me who is present in such persons and others (controlling all)
abhyasUyakA: – having jealousy (to blame me with their cunning ways)
pradhvishantha: – unable to tolerate (me)
(are engaging in various yAgams etc as explained before).

Simple Translation

Holding on to ego (of thinking that everything can be accomplished on their own), (that my strength is enough to achieve everything) self strength, pride (of thinking that there is no match for self), lust (to accomplish everything with such desire) and anger (to destroy everyone who causes hurdles for such accomplishments), having jealousy (to blame me with their cunning ways) towards me who is present in such persons and others (controlling all) and unable to tolerate me (they are engaging in various yAgams etc as explained before).

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘Espoused to self-hood, strength, consequence, lust and wrath, do they in malice antagonize Me in their own and others’ bodies.’

Ahaṇkāra = Self-hood, = the conceit: ‘I can do everything without any extraneous aid.’

Balam = In so doing, ‘my single strength is all-sufficient.’ Hence;

Darpam = Consequence; = ‘the importance of Myself to the exclusion of others.’

Inasmuch as I am so, ‘by My mere lusting or willing after, every desire is fulfilled.’ ‘And those who cause me evil, I shall slay them all’ = wrath (krodha).

Surrendering themselves to such passions, they evince malice towards Me, the Omnific Purushottama, dwelling in themselves as well as in the bodies of others, and make enemies with Me; meaning that by sophistry they endeavour to discover reasons for disproving the very fact of My existence, hate Me, and giving themselves up to passions stated above, perform sacrifices and other acts.

>> Chapter 16 Verse 19

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