SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
praśānta-manasaṁ hy enaṁ
yoginaṁ sukham uttamam
upaiti śānta-rajasaṁ
brahma-bhūtam akalmaṣam
‘Supreme bliss verily comes to that yogi whose mind has attained peace, whose rajas-nature has been calmed, who is stainless and brahma-like.’
‘Mind in peace’ means: mind immovably fixed in ātma, or mind placed in ātma.
From this state, it (naturally) follows that the yogi has had all his stains or sins expunged.
This implies that the rajas-quality (or passion-nature) has been stilled down (or eradicated).
Hence is he brahma-like. Brahma is ātma. Brahma-like is to be re-established in his own true essence.
To such a yogi (or one who has reached the pinnacle of meditation), comes exquisite transcendent felicity, i.e., ātma-beatitude.
Hi, translated as ‘verily’, is an indeclinable particle, giving a reason; meaning that by reason of ātma-nature being essentially blissful, (the yogi attains to it).
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