1.6 – yudhAmanyuScha (Original)

SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:
SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:
SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 1

<< Chapter 1 Verse 5


yudhāmanyuś ca vikrānta
uttamaujāś ca vīryavān
saubhadro draupadeyāś ca
sarva eva mahā-rathāḥ

“The heroic Uttamaujas, the dauntless Saubhadra[2. The son of Subhadra and Arjuna = Abhi-manyu.], and Draupadeyas[3. The sons of Draupadi = (1) Prativindhya by Yudhisṭira, (2) Sūtasoma by Bhīma, (3) Śrutakīrti by Arjuna, (4) Śatānīka by Nakula, and (5) Śrutasena by Sahadeva. (See Geneology Tree at end of Book).], all of great cars.”

>> Chapter 1 verse 7

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