SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
SlOkam – Original
amAnithvam adhambhithvam ahimsA kshAnthir Arjavam |
AchAryOpAsanam Saucham sthairyam Athmavinigraha: ||
word-by-word meaning
amAnithvam – not disrespecting elders
adhambhithvam – not engaging in charity for fame
ahimsA – not harming anyone with the three faculties (mind, speech and actions)
kshAnthi: – not being mentally affected even when others cause hurt
Arjavam – having all three faculties (mind, speech and actions) in harmony towards others
AchArya upAsanam – serving the AchArya (teacher, who teaches about AthmA)
Saucham – purity of the three faculties (which are helpful in knowing about self and pursuing it)
sthairyam – being firm (in the principles explained by SAsthram)
Athma vinigraha: – controlling the mind (in not engaging in matters other than AthmA)
Simple Translation
Not disrespecting elders, not engaging in charity for fame, not harming anyone with the three faculties (mind, speech and actions), not being mentally affected even when others cause hurt, having all three faculties (mind, speech and actions) in harmony towards others, serving the AchArya (teacher, who teaches about AthmA), having purity of the three faculties (which are helpful in knowing about self and pursuing it), being firm (in the principles explained by SAsthram), controlling the mind (in not engaging in matters other than AthmA) …
Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam
‘Reverence, Simplicity, Harmlessness, Forbearance, Rectitude, Teachers’ service, Purity, Faith, Self-control.’
Amānitvam=reverence=absence of affront or contumely for good and great men.
Adambhitvam=Simplicity=absence of ostentation or show in the discharge of pious duties, in order to gain notoriety or a name for piety;
Ahimsā=Harmlessness= absence of hurtfulness to others in word, thought and deed.
Kshāntiḥ=Forbearance=preserving temper undisturbed even when molested by others.
Ārjavam=Rectitude, or sincerity or oneness in tongue, mind and body.
Āchāryopasanam=Teachers’ service[1. Vide Bh: Gi: IV-34.]= By prostration, respectful speech etc., services to the Holy Teachers imparting instruction concerning soul.
Śaucham=Purity=cultivation of thought, speech and deed, as dictated by Śastra so as to be fit to strive for and acquire soul-knowledge.
Stḥairyam=Faith=unshakable confidence in the spiritual teachings of Śāstra.
Ātma-vinigrahaḥ=self control=the abstracting or withdrawing the mind from pursuits other than that of the spiritual science.
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