SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
SlOkam – Original
SrI bhagavAn uvAcha
param bhUya: pravakshyAmi gyAnAnAm gyAnam uththamam |
yath gyAthvA munaya: sarvE parAm sidhdhim ithO gathA: ||
word-by-word meaning
SrI bhagavAn uvAcha – bhagavAn said
param – different (from previously explained)
bhUya: pravakshyAmi – I shall explain again (as explanation for previously explained);
yath gyAthvA – attaining which knowledge
sarvE munaya: – all those who meditate upon which
itha: – from this samsAram (material realm)
parAm sidhdhim gathA: – attained the great realisation of their pure self
gyAnAnAm uththamam gyAnam – best among the knowledge (to know about prakruthi (matter) and purusha (soul))
Simple Translation
bhagavAn said – I shall explain again (as explanation for previously explained) the best among the knowledge (to know about prakruthi (matter) and purusha (soul)), which is different (from previously explained); attaining such knowledge, all those who meditate upon such knowledge, attained the great realisation of their pure self, from this samsAram (material realm).
Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam
‘Yet more, I shall declare, of the best wisdom of wisdoms, having which the Munis all have, from hence[1. i.e., from the sphere of samsāra.], passed to perfection.’
The Blessed Lord continued:
Param=yet more, of the wisdom concerning satva etc., the qualities influencing the matter-soul union different from what has been told. This wisdom surpasses all that has yet been told you relating to this union.
Munis=those who possessing this wisdom ponder over it; and pass on to the supreme state of spiritual realization (siddhi), from hence i.e., from the sphere of samsāra.
This wisdom is extolled, viewing it by its fruits:
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