16.22 Ethair vimuktha: kaunthEya

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 16

<< Chapter 16 Verse 21

SlOkam – Original

Ethair vimuktha: kaunthEya thamOdhvArais thribhir nara: |
AcharathyAthmana: SrEyas thathO yAthi parAm gathim ||

word-by-word meaning

kaunthEya – Oh son of kunthI!
thamO dhvArai: – the cause of darkness (i.e., misunderstanding about me)
Ethai: thribhi: – from these three – kAma (lust), krOdha (anger) and lObha (greed)
vimuktha: nara: – one who is freed
Athmana: SrEya: Acharathi – works for his well-being (to be favourable towards me having acquired true knowledge about me)
thatha: – then
parAm gathim – the greatest goal of me (the supreme lord)
yAthi – attains

Simple Translation

Oh son of kunthI! One who is freed from these three – kAma (lust), krOdha (anger) and lObha (greed) which are the causes of darkness (i.e., misunderstanding about me), works for his well-being (to be favourable towards me having acquired true knowledge about me); subsequently, he attains the greatest goal of me (the supreme lord).

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘The man, Kaunteya! who, from these triple dark portals, is rescued, works for soul’s good; thence to the Highest End does he wend.’

The three tamas-doors=doors of darkness, viz: lust, wrath and greed, which beget curious wrong notions regarding Myself. The man who shakes them off, finds he can work for the good of the soul (or employ himself in a manner that is conducive to the advantage of the soul). Having gained (true) knowledge of Myself, he will ever work in harmony, or in a friendly spirit, towards Me. And thence he proceeds to the Highest End = Sublime Goal —Myself.

That disregard of Śāstra is the sure cause of leading to Naraka is now pointed out:

>> Chapter 16 Verse 23

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