SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
amī hi tvāṁ sura-saṅghā viśanti
kecid bhītāḥ prāñjalayo gṛṇanti
svastīty uktvā maharṣi-siddha-saṅghāḥ
stuvanti tvāṁ stutibhiḥ puṣkalābhiḥ
‘Verily into Thee, do the Sura-hosts enter, some in fright, clasping their palms and lauding Thee. Saying ‘all hail,’ the Maharshis and the Siddha-hosts lavish on Thee hymns of praise.’
These Sura-communities, good in nature, seeing Thy Universal Image, are rejoiced, and make towards Thee. Some among them are frightened at the wonderful and awful Spectacle, and consequently join their palms, and ejaculate songs of praise, each according to his light.
Others, the Maharshi-groups and the Siddha-clans, -those who have realized higher and lower truths,— say ‘all hail’ (=svasti ‘be it well,’ a form of well-wishing and benediction), and break out into lavishly singing hymns of Thy praise apposite to the Lord’s character.
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