Essence of SrI bhagavath gIthA – Chapter 9 (rAja vidhyA rAja guhya yOga)

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Essence of SrI bhagavath gIthA

<< Chapter 8

In the thirteenth SlOkam of gIthArtha sangraham, ALavandhAr explains the summary of ninth chapter saying “In the ninth chapter, his own greatness, he being supreme even in human form, the greatness of those gyAnis who are mahAthmAs (great souls) (along with these) and upAsanam which is called as bhakthi yOgam are well explained”.

Important SlOkams/Verses

SlOkam/Verse 1

SrI bhagavAn uvAcha
idham thu thE guhyathamam pravakshyAmyanasUyavE |
gyAnam vigyAnasahitham yath gyAthvA mOkshyasE’SubhAth ||

SrI bhagavAn said :-
I shall explain to you, who are not jealous of me, this most secretive knowledge about upAsana (practicing bhakthi yOga) with detailed knowledge about the various types of such upAsana, knowing which you will be relieved from all puNya/pApa.

Note: The qualification to receive valuable instructions directly from bhagavAn is to not have jealousy towards him.

SlOkam/Verse 2

rAjavidhyA rAjaguhyam pavithram idham uththamam |
prathyakshAvagamam dharmyam susukham karthum avyayam ||

This bhakthi yOga is the best among vidhyA (knowledge/path), the best among secrets, the best among those which remove sins, the one that helps in realisation (of me, krishNa), the means to attain me, easy to perform and imperishable (even after bestowing the results).

Note: Greatness of bhakthi yOga is explained here.

In the next SlOkam, krishNa explains that those who don’t pursue bhakthi yOga will suffer in samsAra and the reason for not pursuing the same is lack of faith.

SlOkam/Verse 4

mayA thatham idham sarvam jagadhavyakthamUrthinA |
mathsthAni sarvabhUthAni na chAhaṁ thEshvavasthitha: ||

All these worlds (which are made of chEthanas (sentient entities) and achEthana (insentient entities)) are pervaded by my antharyAmi (in-dwelling super-soul) form which is subtle; all creatures are (resting) in me (who is the antharyAmi) but I am not (resting) in them [like they rest in me as a dependent].

Note: In this SlOkam and the next SlOkam, bhagavAn’s greatness is highlighted. This is to show the greatness of bhakthi yOga which leads to such great result.

SlOkam/Verse 5

na cha mathsthAni bhUthAni paSya mE yOgam aiSvaram |
bhUtabhrun na cha bhUthasthO mamAthmA bhUthabhAvana: ||

They are not in me (like water is held by pot physically, but they are held [easily] through my will); behold my sankalpa (divine will), the opulence of ISvara, i.e., mine. I am the one who holds all creatures and yet not held by the creatures [like I hold them]; my sankalpam only is the reason for their existence, sustenance and control.

Note: When bhagavAn says “they are not in me”, it does not mean that the entities are not in him. Of course bhagavAn is the resting place for everyone. But he is saying “unlike I who am present in the entities as the one who sustains them, the entities do not sustain me while resting in me”.

In the next SlOkam, krishNa gives an example to explain the principle shown in 5th SlOkam.

In the 7th SlOkam, it is explained that his sankalpa (vow) conducts the existence and activities of all the worlds.

In the 8th SlOkam, creation is explained further.

In the 9th SlOkam, he says that though he is engaged in creation, sustenance and annihilation, he does not have any defects in doing so.

In the 10th SlOkam, his importance in these activities are explained.

SlOkam/Verse 11

avajAnanthi mAm mUdA mAnushIm thanum ASritham |
param bhAvam ajAnanthO mama bhUthamahESvaram ||

Fools who are being ignorant about my supreme state insult me who assumed a human form in spite of being the supreme lord of all entities.

Note: krishNa becomes upset that people don’t understand his greatness in spite of manifesting it to them. In the next SlOkam the reason for people not understanding his greatness is explained.

SlOkam/Verse 13

mahAthmAnas thu mAm pArtha dhaivIm prakruthim ASrithA: |
bhajanthyananyamanasO gyAthvA bhUthAdhim avyayam ||

Oh son of kunthI! But gyAnis, the great souls, who acquired divine nature, knowing me as the origin of all creatures, and as imperishable, are engaged in devotion (towards me) without focussing their mind on anything else.

SlOkam/Verse 14

sathatham kIrthayanthO mAm yathanthaS cha drudavrathA: |
namasyanthaS cha mAm bhakthyA nithyayukthA upAsathE ||

[Those gyAnis] always being engaged with devotion in singing about me, having firm will, taking efforts (in worshipping me), bowing down to me, desiring to be with me always, meditate upon me.

In the next SlOkam, krishNa explains how some others worship him through knowledge.

In the next 4 SlOkams, starting with 16th SlOkam till 19th SlOkam, krishNa explains how he has the aspects related to yagya (sacrifice) as his prakAram (inseparable aspect) in this world.

In the next 2 SlOkams, 20th and 21st SlOkams, krishNa explains how some go after worldly benefits only.

SlOkam/Verse 22

ananyAS chinthayanthO mAm ye janA: paryupAsathE |
thEshAm nithyAbhiyukthAnAm yOgakshEmam vahAmyaham ||

To those great souls who are thinking about me without any other goal and fully worshipping me  (with my auspicious qualities and wealth), and who desire to be with me always, I bestow yOga (to reach me) and kshEma (to not having to return to samsAram).

SlOkam/Verse 23

yE thvanyadhEvathAbhakthA yajanthE SradhdhayAnvithA: |
thE’pi mAm Eva kaunthEya yajanthyavidhipUrvakam ||

Oh son of kunthI! Those who are having devotion towards other dhEvathAs (such as indhra, rudhra, brahmA et al) and faithfully worship them in yagya etc (considering them to be worshippable), they too are performing yAgam etc to worship me only but [are doing so] as not ordained in vEdham (that one should engage in yAgam etc with the understanding that emperumAn is the antharyAmi of all dhEvathAs).

SlOkam/Verse 24

aham hi sarvayagyAnAm bhokthA cha prabhur Eva cha |
na thu mAm abhijAnanthi thathvEnAthaS chyavanthi thE ||

I am only the enjoyer and the benefactor of all yagyas. Those who are only engaged in pUrva bhAgam (ritualistic aspects), do not know me truly (as the antharyAmi (indwelling super soul)) and hence they miss out on the main benefits.

In the next SlOkam, krishNa explains how persons with different goals reach such goals.

SlOkam/Verse 26

pathram pushpam palam thOyam yO mE bhakthyA prayachchathi |
thadhaham bhakthyupahrutham aSnAmi prayathAthmana: ||

He who submits a leaf, flower, fruit or water to me with love, I accept/eat/enjoy such material which is dedicated with love by that pure hearted person.

Note: krishNa’s saulabhyam (easy approachability) is explained here.

In the next SlOkam, he explains that everything should be done as an offering to him.

In the 28th SlOkam, krishNa declares the benefit of performing bhakthi yOga.

SlOkam/Verse 29

samO’ham sarvabhUthEshu na mE dhvEshyO’sthi na priya: |
yE bhajanthi thu mAm bhakthyA mayi thE thEshu chApyaham ||

I am equal (for anyone who wants to take shelter of me) for all beings of different species; for me, no one is disqualified from taking shelter of me (since they are inferior) and no one is qualified to take shelter of me (since they are superior); those who manifest their love to attain bhakthi (devotion) towards me, live in me and I too live in them (interacting with them with great veneration).

SlOkam/Verse 30

api chEth sudhurAchArO bhajathE mAm ananyabhAk |
sAdhur Eva sa manthavya: samyag vyavasithO hi sa: ||

Even if one has very lowly characteristics/conduct, if he worships me without desire for any other benefit, he is as good as the best among gyAnis; he deserves to be praised. This is because, he has very firm faith and attachment (in me).

In the next SlOkam, krishNa explains how his such devotee becomes virtuous within a short time.

SlOkam/Verse 32

mAm hi pArtha vyapASrithya yE’pi syu: pApayOnaya: |
sthriyO vaiSyAs thathA SUdhrAs thE’pi yAnthi parAm gathim ||

Oh son of kunthI! Those women, vaiSyas, SUdhras who have acquired inferior births too attain me through perfect surrender and they reach the supreme goal too.

Note: Here the reason for women, vaiSyas and Sudhras being highlighted as inferior births is due to their lack of right to engage in karma, gyAna and bhakthi yOgam. As a matter of fact, all births in samsAra (material realm) are bound by temporary and sorrowful nature as highlighted in the next SlOkam. Hence, all births in samsAram are inferior only. bhagavAn explains here and will emphasise further in the end that SaraNAgathi (surrender) is the apt means for everyone.

In the next SlOkam, he says that brAhmaNas and rAjarishis, if they are devoted to him, will surely attain the goal.

SlOkam/Verse 34

manmanA bhava madhbhaktha: madhyAjI mAm namaskuru |
mAm Evaishyasi yukthvaivam AthmAnam mathparAyaNa: ||

Have your mind fixed on me. (that too) Have great love towards me. (that too) Worship me. Bow unto me. Have me as your ultimate resting place. By training the mind/heart in this manner, you will certainly attain me.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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