cSrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
bhagavath rAmAnuja at AzhwArthirunagari, SrIperumbUthUr, SrIrangam and thirunArAyaNapuram
BY the two preceding Lectures (XVI and XVII), the following matters were discussed:
- That the only Means for achieving either material prosperity (abhyudaya) or spiritual freedom (niś-śreyas), is the observance of Yajña[1. Ritualistic Sacrifices.], Tapas[2. Austerities, such as mortification of the flesh by fasting &c.] and Dāna[3. Gifts/Charitable works.], along the lines laid down by the Veda; and no other.
- That all Vaidika-observances are commonly characterized by the use of Praṇava (OM) in relation therewith.
- That the difference between the Means leading to Moksha and that leading to material goods, is symbolized by the term TAT, for the former, and SAT for the latter.
- That Yajña etc., when performed for the sake of acquiring Moksha, must be performed without aiming at fruit.
- That so performing them is the result of the Satva-Guṇa gaining prominence; and that Satva-growth is caused by taking Sātvika-food.
Next (in this Lecture), the following points are expounded:
- Tyāga[1. Tyāga is literally ‘giving up’.] and Sannyāsa[2. Sannyāsa is literally ‘putting away’. Both terms (Tyāga and Sannyāsa) mean renunciation, resignation, or surrender; their technical application may be learnt in the following pages, and also their ultimate significance.] indicated as Means to Moksha, are identical.
- The nature of Tyāga.
- The contemplation that in the Sovereign Lord Bhagavān rests the agency of all acts.
- A description of the effects produced by the Guṇas Satva, Rajas and Tamas, in order to show that Satva alone is worthy of acceptance for culture).
- How the acts appropriate to Castes, —which are but acts of worship to Paramapurusha— effect or accomplish the gaining of Paramapurusha. And that,
- The Quintessence of the Holy Writ of Bhagavad-gīta, is the Teaching or Exposition of Bhakti-Yoga.
And here to begin with, Arjuna asks that he may be enlightened as to whether Tyāga[3. Tyāga is literally ‘giving up’.] and Sannyāsa[4. Sannyāsa is literally ‘putting away’. Both terms (Tyāga and Sannyāsa) mean renunciation, resignation, or surrender; their technical application may be learnt in the following pages, and also their ultimate significance.] are identical or distinct, and what is their nature:
- Verse 1
- Verse 2
- Verse 3
- Verse 4
- Verse 5
- Verse 6
- Verse 7
- Verse 8
- Verse 9
- Verse 10
- Verse 11
- Verse 12
- Verse 13
- Verse 14
- Verse 15
- Verse 16
- Verse 17
- Verse 18
- Verse 19
- Verse 20
- Verse 21
- Verse 22
- Verse 23
- Verse 24
- Verse 25
- Verse 26
- Verse 27
- Verse 28
- Verse 29
- Verse 30
- Verse 31
- Verse 32
- Verse 33
- Verse 34
- Verse 35
- Verse 35.5
- Verse 36
- Verse 37
- Verse 38
- Verse 39
- Verse 40
- Verse 41
- Verse 42
- Verse 43
- Verse 44
- Verse 45
- Verse 46
- Verse 46.5
- Verse 47
- Verse 48
- Verse 49
- Verse 50
- Verse 51
- Verse 52
- Verse 53
- Verse 54
- Verse 55
- Verse 56
- Verse 57
- Verse 57.5
- Verse 58
- Verse 59
- Verse 60
- Verse 61
- Verse 62
- Verse 63
- Verse 64
- Verse 65
- Verse 66
- Verse 67
- Verse 68
- Verse 69
- Verse 70
- Verse 71
- Verse 72
- Verse 73
- Verse 74
- Verse 75
- Verse 76
- Verse 77
- Verse 78
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